
Picture this: a boy that puts up “plays” with his toys in the closet. The little person that’s always looking to be the center of attention. The young man that knew he was a performer from the moment he was cut from the umbilical cord.

Yeah, that wasn’t him.

Yes, he sang at Christmas parties and did a few musicals in high school, but he never thought, “I want this the REST. OF. MY. LIFE.”

Then…college, business school, 9 to 5.

But after a few completely random local community performances, a door was unlocked, and a roller coaster ride thru acting classes, community theater, professional theater, and now the voice over booth has ensued.

From “the rookie that inspires the veterans”,
to “the Eagle Scout that goes rogue”,
the chill cucumber”,
the diplomatic smart-ass”,
the captain that doesn’t have the top stats but is the glue that keeps the team together”,

pensive, brooding, professional, genuine, and everything in between, he has brought the many complicated layers of his personality into numerous, diverse characters on stage and in the booth.

It’s been a fantastic and unconventional road, for sure. But it’s a road that he looks forward to traveling, constantly learning and improving his craft every single day.

Thanks for poking around. I hope you like what you see!